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How to create a successful listing

  • 1.Complete as many fields as possible.
  • 2.When providing details, try to disclose the exact information. Use our “range” fields to provide the buyer with an idea of your business’ finances.
  • 3.If this is just an asset sale (no Goodwill) and the revenues/profits are not relevant, click on the “Asset Sale” box.
  • 4.The description is your pitch. Tell your story with detailed selling points that will pique the buyer’s interest.
  • 5.Providing information for the future provides an opportunity to add potential value to the sale. Include possibilities for expansion and improved business and for support/training.
  • 6.Make sure the title section stands out from the rest (e.g., “profitable cafe in busy downtown core”).
  • 7.Include attractive photos, even if it’s a stock photo.
  • 8.We include the Seller Financing Notice on the photo of the designated listing as an incentive for the buyer to make an offer.

Find Businesses 4 Sale employs best practies for writing the information on your listing that impacts search engine optimization/ranking.


The title of the business listing is one of the most important elements from a search

A.Optimization feature some generic keywords, a location and the business type. For example:

B.We automatically add the words ‘for sale’ to the end of every single listing.

C.Adhering to these formats will promote strong positioning within search engine results users are searching with where phrases such as:

“Toronto Gas Station for sale”

“Gas Station in Toronto for sale”

D.Generally, it is better to have a concise title to target the largest amount of users who are using more generic search terms.


A.To achieve the highest ranking possible within search engines, keywords used in the title (and other generic terms) also need to appear within the body description of the listing page.

BWords that should be included in the description are:


For sale restaurants




Bold these keywords

C.Use specific words related to the particular business you are selling they don’t all have to be generic and a mixture of both generic and specific will help.

Other fields in the listing setting


A.Fields such as location, Expansion Potential, Competition and Support & training are other useful areas which can improve search engine ranking.

B.The full sentences including generic keywords instead of “downtown location” in the Location field a better example would be:

“This lesson put benefits from a downtown location with great traffic exposure. ------- in nearby office in downtown offer great customer potential.

C.Similarly in the Expansion field.

“The business sales could be improved with the addition of further product ranges such as specialist magazines, a delivery service and a cash machine. Other stores in the town center only offer a basic range of products and services.”