Title: Established Cafe Business Opportunity in Prime Downtown Moncton Location This turnkey operation is strategically positioned to attract both local patrons and tourists, offering a solid foundation for continued suc...
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Title: Established Cafe Business Opportunity in Prime Downtown Moncton Location This turnkey operation is strategically positioned to attract both local patrons and tourists, offering a solid foundation for continued suc...
Asking Price : $219,900
Gross Revenue Total income received prior to any expenses. : N/A
Cash Flow 1 Take your “Net Income before Taxes”, then,
2 Add up all payments to: owners + interest + allowances for asset depreciation.
3 ADD together 1 + 2 = CASH FLOW (aka Seller’s Discretionary Earnings)
: N/A
Size (sq ft) : 1,779
Monthly Rent/Sq. Ft. : N/A
Lease: # Years 0 # Renewals 0
Welcome to the enchanting world of the Chaleur Region! Nestled in the heart of Petit-Rocher, this picturesque village embraces its Acadian heritage and invites you to experience true hospitality. Allow me to introduce yo...
Asking Price : $649,900
Gross Revenue Total income received prior to any expenses. : N/A
Cash Flow 1 Take your “Net Income before Taxes”, then,
2 Add up all payments to: owners + interest + allowances for asset depreciation.
3 ADD together 1 + 2 = CASH FLOW (aka Seller’s Discretionary Earnings)
: N/A
Size (sq ft) : 0
Monthly Rent/Sq. Ft. : N/A
Lease: # Years 0 # Renewals 0
Discovering the best deals on Cafes in New Brunswick requires thorough research. Take into account factors such as location, size, amenities, and future growth potential. Explore the three most popular offers:
Cafe at 644 Main ST , Cafe at 587 Principale and
The average price of Cafes in New Brunswick is influenced by various factors. On average, prices range from $434,900. However, conducting a comprehensive market analysis is essential to grasp specific pricing trends in your desired area.
Find comprehensive information about Cafes in New Brunswick on Find Businesses 4 Sale! Explore our catalog of offers, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us; we're here to help! Meanwhile, consider checking out the three newest listings:
Cafe at 644 Main ST , Cafe at 587 Principale and .
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