This incredible property is perfect for a small business owner! Well-built and creatively designed! It's currently an art gallery/cafe with living quarters in the basement and features a 24x48 garage with the back half u...
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This incredible property is perfect for a small business owner! Well-built and creatively designed! It's currently an art gallery/cafe with living quarters in the basement and features a 24x48 garage with the back half u...
Asking Price : $315,000
Gross Revenue
Total income received prior to any expenses. : N/A
Cash Flow 1 Take your “Net Income before Taxes”, then,
2 Add up all payments to: owners + interest + allowances for asset depreciation.
3 ADD together 1 + 2 = CASH FLOW (aka Seller’s Discretionary Earnings)
: N/A
Size (sq ft) : 1,600
Monthly Rent/Sq. Ft. : N/A
Lease: # Years 0 # Renewals 0
Discovering the best deals on Cafes in Saskatchewan requires thorough research. Take into account factors such as location, size, amenities, and future growth potential. Explore the three most popular offers:
Cafe at 1 1st AVENUE N ,
The average price of Cafes in Saskatchewan is influenced by various factors. On average, prices range from $315,000. However, conducting a comprehensive market analysis is essential to grasp specific pricing trends in your desired area.
Find comprehensive information about Cafes in Saskatchewan on Find Businesses 4 Sale! Explore our catalog of offers, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us; we're here to help! Meanwhile, consider checking out the three newest listings:
Cafe at 1 1st AVENUE N , .
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